Olgam Life is a plasma donation company on a mission to save the lives of patients who rely on human-based therapies. But that’s just one facet of what we do and the impact we have.
Our plasma donors are spread out across the United States. We recognize the collaborative power we have to help our local communities thrive, not just through life-saving plasma donations but through income supplementing and job opportunities, too.
As a small business, plasma donors are at the core of our success and what keep the wheels in motion so that we can continue to do what we do best. Our donors are life changers in our local communities. Just 30 plasma donations will treat one person with primary immunodeficiency for a whole year.
Donating plasma at one of our plasma centers isn’t just an easy way to make money. We understand the effort our donors put into their own health and fitness to make donation possible. So, we let them know how much we appreciate it by giving back in kind.
We are deeply connected with our source communities and ensure our donors are offered high-quality support and care before, during, and after donation. Benefits like pre-paid donor credit cards and referral schemes allow our donors to make the most of their income. We aim to meet the needs of our donors on a personal level to build strong and loyal bonds with them.
Donating plasma is so easy. The whole process takes just two hours on your first visit and 1.5 hours for every visit afterward. We operate five branches across the Bronx, Brooklyn, and Queens, with two more opening soon. We also have one in Florida.
On your first visit to one of our branches, you’ll have a medical screening to determine that it’s safe for you to donate plasma. We’ll check for some viruses and check your protein and hematocrit levels. Our nurses will also collect data on your temperature, blood pressure, and pulse, and you’ll be asked to complete a questionnaire.
When the initial screening and checks are complete, you’ll be escorted to the donor floor by a staff member, and you’ll be connected to one of our donation machines via a venipuncture. We take your whole blood and then separate out the plasma. The red blood cells and other components are then returned back to your body in a sterile saline carrier solution. This helps your body replace the plasma.
When your donation is complete, we load your funds onto a debit card that can be used immediately. We’ll top up your card each time you visit and make a donation.
Our branches can be found in Brooklyn, New York; Bronx, New York; Queens, New York; Jamaica, Queens; and Ft. Pierce, Florida. We also have branches opening soon in Brownsville, Brooklyn, and White Plains, Bronx.
We're a continually growing team of over 100 value and results-driven individuals. We aim for a positive workplace atmosphere. Supporting leadership and tangible growth opportunities are important to us. Our workplace culture encourages, recognizes, and rewards hard work as we understand the importance of community wellness and the power we have to affect it.
Check our open positions.